In this episode, I’ll share with you My Five Favorite Benefits Of Traveling Solo As A Woman.

Have you ever wanted to travel alone but are stumped because you’re a woman? Read this blog to find out why every woman should travel solo at least once in their life!

The plethora of benefits that one can acquire just by traveling is noteworthy, to say the least, but have you ever wondered how valuable traveling solo as a woman can really be?

Traveling solo as a woman is so beneficial because it simply expands your horizons and makes you realize the importance of exploring life on your own and discovering your true self and how much you are capable of.

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Every Woman Needs to Travel Solo At Least Once in Her Life

I remember traveling solo as a female for the very first time at the age of nineteen. That was also the very first time I flew on an airplane too.

I flew to Dallas Texas for a job interview with Delta Airlines, and you couldn’t tell me anything.

I was flying solo while drinking rum and coke. (Yep! The flight attendant offered me alcohol).

For the first time in my life, I felt like a grown woman traveling alone ready to take on the world. Any woman can be a solo traveler regardless of where you’re from.

Since then I’ve traveled alone to many places as well as with other people. Some of my travel was for business, some were for pleasure and sometimes both.

But there’s something about traveling solo as a female that excites me!

The World Is More Open Than Ever Before to Women Traveling Alone

Traveling is certainly among the most profound ways to expand one’s horizons by learning the significance of exploration.

By traveling, you not only explore parts of the world but parts of your own mind and body as well.

As a matter of fact, long-term research and studies conducted on the subject are proof enough to reassure that traveling alone for either gender expands the mind by stimulating parts of the brain responsible for our thinking abilities, independence and strengthening our intuition.

While many men have pounced on the opportunity to travel alone as soon as it was offered to them, women, on the other hand, have a lot to consider before they set foot on a solo adventure.

As a woman, there are plenty of things that come into play when the matter of solo traveling arises.

Not to mention that often, family members opt to advise women against solo travel due to the risk factors that run alongside females traveling alone.

But we have all made it to the 21st century with our heads held high and the grass green on both sides, so why not embark on the adventure of solo traveling as a woman?

The world is more welcoming to solo female travelers now than it ever was before, so if you get the opportunity, grab it with both hands and don’t let go until you’ve reached your destination. Read on to discover the benefits of solo traveling:


1. Stronger Intuition & Sharper Thinking Skills
Intuition is a gift that is endowed to every woman, man, or living creature in general.

Our intuition is the hunch that we get when things are about to go terribly wrong.

Often, when we follow our intuition, we come to realize how something that would have wrecked us otherwise was dodged successfully. 

Not to mention the times when one doesn’t follow their intuition, only to suffer the consequences of not having done so.

When you travel alone, the hunch, the goosebumps your intuition, in general, is what you rely upon to make decisions that would save you from ending up in an unfavorable situation.

This strengthens your bond with your own self and helps you understand right from wrong even in a culture that is unknown to you.

Another thing that helps strengthen your intuition and sharpens your foresight is the sort of people you meet.

Mind you, as a solo female traveling in a different city or country, you will come across many people who wouldn’t want the best for you and many people who will try to get to your money. 

By following your intuition, you will be able to take better decisions as to who is worth your time and who is not.

Of course, you mustn’t rely entirely on your intuition to stay safe, but also note down helplines such as police and hospital numbers of the destination – just to be in the clear.

2.  Exposure to Different Traditions, Cultures & Languages
Upon traveling to a different country, one is exposed to a completely different culture, mindset, traditional belief system, as well as a completely new language or way of communicating.

More often than not, all of these things are much different than the land we call home.

In many cases, the language barrier makes learning a new language a top priority for the solo traveler – which of course, has a plethora of benefits of its own.

The culture, people, everything that you come across on your adventure will add to your awareness of the world around you and strengthen your relationship with your own self.

As a woman, your mind will expand in ways that you wouldn’t even have imagined.

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3.  Makes You Fiercely Independent
For women, traveling solo certainly expands their optimum and enables them to feel more independent.

The main contributor to this is the fact that on solo trips, one is bound to face a lot of challenges which require them to think hard and fast for their own good.

Of course, it makes complete sense that when you’re on your own, your relationship with yourself is sure to enhance and if you manage to get out of your solo journey, you are certain to become a lot more independent than you might be right now.

By the time you get back home, you can bet your bottom dollar that you’ll feel much more strong and improved not to mention the amplified ability to tackle the most demanding situations with the utmost of ease that you will attain as a result of this.

4.  Puts Your Skills to Test
On your solo adventure, you will have nothing but the knowledge that exists within your head.

You will learn to rely on your instincts, follow your intuition and become a much more confident human being as a result of your solo traveling experience.

When you’re on your own, there’s absolutely no judgment for what you choose to do or not do, neither will there be peer pressure to do something that you don’t want to do just because everyone else is doing it.

5.  Perfect Opportunity for Soul Searching
For women who are currently in a bad place in life, a solo trip to the destination of your choice can truly help elevate you from within and make you a much better woman in the process of it.

As a matter of fact, more than half of the women who opt to go on a solo trip make the decision to do so for the purpose of finding themselves to evolve as human beings.

Solo travel not only makes your relationship with your own self a thousand times better, but it’s also going to be an experience that you are never going to forget.

Trust that it’s worth every second, every penny, and every single ‘hello’. Know that all of these will be engraved into your mind not to mention the abundance of souvenirs you’ll be taking home to remind yourself of the experience you had on your solo adventure!

In Closing

It’s high time you packed your bags and began looking for flights. So, allow me to serve as your travel inspiration!

The confidence that comes from traveling solo as a woman creating your adventure is a powerful force.

Your love for yourself constantly grows, which gives you more love to offer others…And you have to love that!

Traveling solo as a woman allows you to connect with your inner self spiritually and emotionally. It enhances your relationship with self.

When I’m traveling solo, I feel in control of my life, and I feel much stronger and more self-determined to live life on my terms.

Since women are more vulnerable than men, the traveling industry is adopting more and safely accommodating women travelers.

Women traveling alone need to take extra precautions so that they won’t become a victim.

With every Episode of Willnette Foxworth TV, I like to provide you with free valuable travel tips while helping you achieve a life of fulfillment and creativity.

This week, I created for you My Free Safety Travel Checklist, so you can travel independently anywhere in the world and be safe. So, go and grab it!

A trip requires planning, and you’ll want to know how to travel safely when traveling alone.

When you plan a trip, it’s very important that you take a few precautions to keep yourself safe.

Always do your research before traveling solo. Find out what kind of crimes are common in the area you’re traveling to.

It’s also a good idea to look up safety tips specific to your travel destination.

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Did you get some value from these –  5 Benefits Of Traveling Solo As A Woman? I hope you did.

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